Sabtu, 02 Maret 2019

Basic Consept of financial Accounting

Bab 2 
Basic Consept of financial Accounting

1.1 What is Financial Accounting
Financial accounting is the process of recording, summarizing and
reporting the myriad of transactions resulting from business
operations over a period of time. These transactions are summarized
in the preparation of financial statements, including the balance
sheet, income statement and cash flow statement, that record the
company's operating performance over a specified period.01:35

Financial Accounting
BREAKING DOWN Financial Accounting
Financial accounting utilizes a series of established accounting
principles. The selection of accounting principles to use during the
course of financial accounting depends on the regulatory and
reporting requirements the business faces. For U.S. public
companies, businesses are required to perform financial accounting
in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).
International public companies also frequently report financial
statements in accordance to International Financial Reporting
Standards. The establishment of these accounting principles is to
provide consistent information to investors, creditors, regulators and
tax authorities.
Accrual Method vs. Cash Method
Financial accounting may be performed using either the accrual
method, cash method or a combination of the two. Accrual
accounting entails recording transactions when the transactions have
occurred and the revenue is recognizable. Cash accounting entails
recording transactions only upon the exchange of cash. Revenue is
only recorded upon the receipt of payment, and expenses are only
recorded upon the payment of the obligation.
Financial Accounting Reporting
Financial reporting occurs through the use of financial statements.
The financial statements present the five main classifications of
financial data: revenues, expenses, assets, liabilities and equity.

Revenues and expenses are accounted for and reported on the
income statement. Financial accounting results in the determination
of net income at the bottom of the income statement. Assets,
liabilities and equity accounts are reported on the balance sheet. The
balance sheet utilizes financial accounting to report ownership of the
company's future economic benefits.
Financial Accounting Vs. Managerial Accounting
The key difference between financial and managerial accounting is
that financial accounting aims at providing information to parties
outside the organization, whereas managerial accounting
information is aimed at helping managers within the organization
make decisions. Financial statement preparation using accounting
principles is most relevant to regulatory organizations and financial
institutions. Because there are numerous accounting rules that do
not translate well into business operation management, different
accounting rules and procedures are utilized by internal management
for internal business analysis.
Accounting Certifications
The most common accounting designation demonstrating an ability
to perform financial accounting within the United States is
the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) license. Outside of the United
States, holders of the Chartered Accountant (CA) license demonstrate
the ability as well. The Certified Management Accountant
(CMA) designation is more demonstrative of an ability to perform
internal management functions than financial accounting.
2.2 Income Statement
What is an Income Statement
An income statement is one of the three important financial
statements used for reporting a company's financial
performance over a specific accounting period, with the other two
key statements being the balance sheet and the statement of cash
flows. Also known as the profit and loss statement or the statement
of revenue and expense, the income statement primarily focuses on
company’s revenues and expenses during a particular period.
An Introduction To The Income Statement

BREAKING DOWN Income Statement
Income statement is an important part of the company’s
performance reports that must be submitted to the Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC). While a balance sheet provides the
snapshot of company’s financials as of a particular date (like, as on 30
September 2018), the income statement reports income through a
particular time period and its heading indicates the duration which
may read as “For the (fiscal) year/quarter ended September 30,
2018,” (See also, What is the difference between an income
statement and a balance sheet?)
The income statement focuses on the four key items -
 revenue, expenses, gainsand losses. It does not
cover receipts (money received by the business) or the cash
payments/disbursements (money paid by the business). It starts with
the details of sales, and then works down to compute the net
income and eventually the earnings per share (EPS). Essentially, it
gives an account of how the net revenue realized by the company
gets transformed into net earnings (profit or loss).
The following are covered in the income statement, though its format
may vary depending upon the local regulatory requirements, the
diversified scope of the business and the associated operating
Revenues and Gains:
1. Operating Revenue: Revenue realized through primary
activities is often referred to as operating revenue. For a
company manufacturing a product, or for a wholesaler,
distributor or retailer involved in the business of selling that
product, the revenue from primary activities refers to revenue
achieved from sale of the product. Similarly, for a company (or
its franchisees) in the business of offering services, revenue
from primary activities refers to the revenue or fees earned in
exchange of offering those services.
2. Non-operating Revenue: Revenues realized through
secondary, non-core business activities are often referred to as
non-operating recurring revenues. These revenues are sourced
from the earnings which are outside of purchase and sale of

goods and services, and may include income from interest
earned on business capital lying in the bank, rental income
from business property, income from strategic partnerships
like royalty payment receipts or income from an advertisement
display placed on business property.
1. Gains: Also called as other income, gains indicate the net
money made from other activities, like sale of long-term
assets. These include the net income realized from one-time
non-business activities, like a company selling its old
transportation van, unused land, or a subsidiary company.
Revenue should not be confused with receipts. Revenue is usually
accounted for in the period when sales are made or services are
delivered. Receipts are the cash received, and are accounted for
when the money is actually received. For instance, a customer may
take goods/services from a company on 28 September which will
lead to the revenue being accounted for in the month of September.
Owing to his good reputation, the customer may be given a 30-day
payment window. It will give him time till 28 October to make the
payment which is when the receipts are accounted for.
Expenses and Losses:
1. Expenses linked to primary activities: All expenses incurred for
earning the normal operating revenue linked to the primary
activity of the business. They include cost of goods sold
(COGS), selling, general and administrative expenses
(SG&A), depreciation or amortization, and research and
development (R&D)expenses. Typical items that make up the
list are employee wages, sales commissions, and expenses for
utilities like electricity and transportation.
2. Expenses linked to secondary activities: All expenses linked to
non-core business activities, like interest paid on loan money.
3. Losses: All expenses that go towards loss-making sale of long-
term assets, one-time or any other unusual costs, or expenses
towards lawsuits.
While primary revenue and expenses offer insights into how well the
company’s core business is performing, the secondary revenue and

expenses account for the company’s involvement and its expertise in
managing the ad-hoc, non-core activities. Compared to the income
from sale of manufactured goods, a substantially high interest
income from money lying in the bank indicates that the business may
not be utilizing the available cash to its full potential by expanding
the production capacity, or it is facing challenges in increasing its
market share amid competition. Recurring rental income gained by
hosting billboards at the company factory situated along a highway
indicates that the management is capitalizing upon the available
resources and assets for additional profitability.
Income Statement Structure - From Revenues to Net Income
Mathematically, the Net Income is calculated based on the following:
Net Income = (Revenue + Gains) – (Expenses + Losses)
To understand the above details with some real numbers, let’s
assume that a fictitious sports merchandise selling business which
additionally provides training is reporting its income statement for
the most recent quarter.

2.3 Financial Statements - Definition
What Are Financial Statements
Financial statements are written records that convey the business
activities and the financial performance of a company. Financial
statements include the balance sheet, income statement, and cash
flow statement. Financial statements are often audited by
government agencies, accountants, firms, etc. to ensure accuracy and
for tax, financing, or investing purposes.
Financial Statements
What Do Financial Statements Tell You
Investors and financial analysts rely on financial data to analyze the
performance of company and make predictions about its future
direction of the company's stock price. One of the most important
resources of reliable and audited financial data is the annual report,
which contains the firm's financial statements.

The financial statements are used by investors, market analysts, and
creditors, to evaluate a company's financial health and earnings
potential. The three major financial statement reports are the
balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows.
Balance Sheet
The balance sheet provides an overview of assets, liabilities, and
stockholders' equity as a snapshot in time. The date at the top of the
balance sheet tells you when the snapshot was taken, which is
generally the end of the fiscal year.
How To Calculate and Identify the Balance Sheet
The balance sheet totals will be calculated already, but here's how
you identify them.
1. Locate total assets on the balance sheet for the period.
2. Total all liabilities, which should be a separate listing on the
balance sheet.
3. Locate total shareholder's equity and add the number to total
4. Total assets should equal the total of liabilities and total equity.
What Does the Balance Sheet Tell You?
The balance sheet identifies how assets are funded, either with
liabilities, such as debt, or stockholders' equity, such as retained
earnings and additional paid-in capital. Assets are listed on the
balance sheet in order of liquidity. Liabilities are listed in the order in
which they will be paid. Short-term or current liabilities are expected
to be paid within the year, while long-term or noncurrent liabilities
are debts expected to be paid in over one year.
Example of items on a Balance Sheet
Below are examples of items listed on the balance sheet:
 Cash and cash equivalents are liquid assets, which may include
Treasury bills and certificates of deposit.

 Accounts receivables are the amount of money owed to the
company by its customers for the sale of its product and
 Inventory
 Debt including long-term debt
 Rent, tax, utilities
 Wages payable
 Dividends payable
Shareholders' equity
 Shareholders' equity is a company's total assets minus its total
liabilities. Shareholders' equity represents the amount of
money that would be returned to shareholders if all of
the assets were liquidated and all of the company's debt
was paid off.
 Retained earnings are part of shareholders' equity and are the
percentage of net earnings that were not paid to
shareholders as dividends. 
Real World Example of a Balance Sheet 
Below is a portion of Exxon Mobil Corporation's (XOM) balance
sheet as of September 30, 2018. 
 We can total assets were $354,628 (highlighted in green).
 Total liabilities were $157,797 (1st red highlighted area).
 Total equity was $196,831 (in red).
 Total liabilities and equity were $354,628, which equals the
total assets for the period.
Income Statement
Unlike the balance sheet, the income statement covers a range of
time, which is a year for annual financial statements and a quarter for
quarterly financial statements. The income statement provides an
overview of revenues, expenses, net income and earnings per share.
It usually provides two to three years of data for comparison.

How To Calculate the Income Statement
1. Total all revenue or sales for the period.
2. Total all expenses and costs of operating the business.
3. Subtract total expenses from revenue to achieve net income or
the profit for the period.
What Does the Income Statement Tell You?
An income statement is one of the three important financial
statements used for reporting a company's financial
performance over a specific accounting period. Also known as
the profit and loss statement or the statement of revenue and
expense, the income statement primarily focuses on a company’s
revenues and expenses during a particular period. Once expenses are
subtracted from revenues, the statement produces a company's
profit figure called net income.
Types of Revenue
Operating revenue is the revenue earned by selling a company's
products or services. The operating revenue for an auto
manufacturer would be realized through the production and sale of
autos. Operating revenue is generated from the core business
activities of a company.
Non-operating revenue is the income earned from non-core
business activities. These revenues fall outside the primary function
of the business. Some non-operating revenue examples include:
 interest earned on cash in the bank,
 rental income from a property,
 income from strategic partnerships like royalty payment
 income from an advertisement display located on the
company's property.
Other income is the revenue earned from other activities. Other
income could include gains from the sale of long-term assets such as
land, vehicles, or a subsidiary.
Types of Expenses

Primary expenses are incurred during the process of earning revenue
from the primary activity of the business. Expenses include cost of
goods sold (COGS), selling, general and administrative expenses
(SG&A), depreciation or amortization, and research and development
(R&D). Typical expenses include employee wages, sales commissions,
and utilities such as electricity and transportation.
Expenses that are linked to secondary activities include interest paid
on loans or debt. Losses from the sale of an asset are also recorded
as expenses.
The main purpose of the income statement is to convey details of
profitability and the financial results of business activities. However,
it can be very effective in showing whether sales or revenue is
increasing when compared over multiple periods. Investors can also
see how well a company's management is controlling expenses to
determine whether a company's efforts in reducing the cost of sales
might boost profits over time.
Real World Example of an Income Statement
Below is a portion of Exxon Mobil Corporation's (XOM) income
statement as of September 30, 2018. 
 We can see total revenues were $76,605 for the period.
 Total costs were $67,525 for the period.
 Net income or profit was $6,240 for the period.

Cash Flow Statement
The cash flow statement (CFS) measures how well a company
generates cash to pay its debt obligations, fund its operating
expenses, and fund investments. The cash flow statement
complements the balance sheet and income statement.
What Does the Cash Flow Statement Tell You?
The CFS allows investors to understand how a company's operations
are running, where its money is coming from, and how money is
being spent. The CFS also provides insight as to whether a company is
on a solid financial footing.

There is no formula, per se for calculating a cash flow statement, but
instead, it contains three sections that report the cash flow for the
various activities that a company has used its cash. Those three
components of the CFS are listed below.
Operating Activities 
The operating activities on the CFS include any sources and uses of
cash from running the business and selling its products or services.
Cash from operations includes any changes made in cash, accounts
receivable, depreciation, inventory, and accounts payable. These
transactions also include wages, income tax payments, interest
payments, rent, and cash receipts from the sale of a product or
Investing Activities 
Investing activities include any sources and uses of cash from a
company's investments into the long-term future of the company. A
purchase or sale of an asset, loans made to vendors or received from
customers or any payments related to a merger or acquisition are
included in this category. Also, purchases of fixed assets such
as property, plant, and equipment (PPE) are included in this section.
In short, changes in equipment, assets, or investments relate to cash
from investing.
Financing Activities 
Cash from financing activities include the sources of cash from
investors or banks, as well as the uses of cash paid to shareholders.
Financing activities include debt issuance, equity issuance, stock
repurchases, loans, dividends paid, and repayments of debt.
The cash flow statement reconciles the income statement with the
balance sheet in three major business activities.
Real World Example of a Cash Flow Statement
Below is a portion of Exxon Mobil Corporation's (XOM) cash flow
statement as of September 30, 2018. We can see the three areas of
the cash flow statement and their results.

 Operating activities generated a positive cash flow of $27,407
for the period.
 Investing activities generated negative cash flow or cash
outflows of -$10,862 for the period. Additions to property,
plant, and equipment made up the majority of cash outflows,
which means the company invested in new fixed assets.
 Financing activities generated negative cash flow or cash
outflows of -$13,945 for the period. Reductions in short-term
debt and dividends paid out made up the majority of the cash
Key Takeaways
 Financial statements are written records that convey the
business activities and the financial performance of a company.
 The balance sheet provides an overview of assets, liabilities,
and stockholders' equity as a snapshot in time.
 The income statement primarily focuses on a company’s
revenues and expenses during a particular period. Once
expenses are subtracted from revenues, the statement
produces a company's profit figure called net income.
 The cash flow statement (CFS) measures how well a company
generates cash to pay its debt obligations, fund its operating
expenses, and fund investments. 
Limitations of Financial Statements
Although financial statements provide a wealth of information on a
company, they do have limitations. The statements are open to
interpretation, and as a result, investors often draw vastly different
conclusions about a company's financial performance. For example,
some investors might want stock repurchases while other investors
might prefer to see that money invested in long-term assets. A
company's debt level might be fine for one investor while another
might have concerns about the level of debt for the company. When
analyzing financial statements, it's important to compare multiple
periods to determine if there are any trends as well as compare the
company's results its peers in the same industry.

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